Approaching Angular 2 from a WebForms perspective

Omelettes anyone?

Sometimes we spend so long working in a technology it is a difficult to make a switch. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right!?  The problem is, the world moves on. Using server side technologies like ASP.NET WebForms is something I still love to do, add a few DevExpress components onto a page, set the properties, bind some data and boom, almost no code and I have a working web application. There are many debates scattered on the internet about WebForms been deprecated, that they are evil, I simply disagree. Now, if you are wanting to target a wider range of web servers and operating systems, use .Net Core, have light weight UI then you would start looking at some of the popular frameworks like Angular 2. Herein lies the dilemma, how does someone with many years experience as a WinForms and WebForms developer make the jump to a client side driven application? I’m pleased you asked…

Julian and I are presenting a free webinar on this exact topic on November 3. Specifically we will take an existing WebForms application and create an Angular 2 version using the DevExtreme Web controls.

The goal is to show how a C# (or VB) developer with a background in WebForms can get started in the client side world. As with most of my presentations lately, we will also be using TypeScript.

Take part in the fun by Registering here,  seats are limited.