Ode to 2017

2017 Just Ahead Green Road Sign Against Clouds

A year so filled with ups and downs, tears and laughter too, 2016 you’ve tried and tested me, I’m glad you’re almost through.

2017, you’re nearly here, but yet, I claim you now, to be the year of goals and dreams, the fattened calf or cow.

The year of reconciliation, be it race, religion, creed, the year we learn to give, and put away our greed.

Let’s learn religious tolerance, offer all a helping hand, let’s share the blessings of our land, so rich with golden sands.

Families, start afresh, put yesterday aside, our forefathers never wanted this, they’d be turning in their grave.

If each of us could do one thing, different to the norm, pay it forward, help someone, a new world could be born.

To those I’ve hurt or wronged, I ask, your forgiveness and you grace. My heart just breaks for all of the human race.

2017.  The year we take back.

Life. Love. Dream. Achieve. Believe.

Go forth with love.